Week 3

Imagine Camp


This week Our students are SUPERHEROS!!  Discovering the world around them.


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In class our students are leaning basic concepts like:

Verbs – Running, flying, playing, sharing, helping, and protecting those around us.

Superheros get hungry too!  So First they made some superhero ice creams that help give them superpowers…

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Using shaving cream and food coloring they mixed to create their favorite “flavors”:  Strawberry (fresa), Mint (Menta) and Chocolate.  They voted to see who like which flavors and then made a graph to compare.

They used brushes and painted their favorite flavored ice cream.

OnIMG_1971 IMG_1967 IMG_1958 IMG_1951 IMG_1947 IMG_1946 IMG_1945 IMG_1937 IMG_1934 IMG_1933 IMG_1932 IMG_1931 Monday Superheroes made their Cape,











On Tuesday they made one superhero bracelet and Wednesday another.








They were so Happy they didn’t want to take it off!





































What other super adventures will they have this week?

Science Camp

Arnolds group is studying Meteorology-  the study of weather and different weather patterns.

They have been working on different weather phenomena and they have made a weather mobile….fotos en breve.


Heather class is studying Ornithology which is a branch of zoology that concerns the study of birds.

They have been specifically studying owls, learning the parts of their body, that they are nocturnal, like Hawks and falcons which are birds of prey.   They have learned that Owls have great eyesight and hearing to hunt in the dark.

Today they have made a paper model of an owl with movable wings and a worksheet discussing this vocabulary.  Fotos en breve.


Afternoon Camp

Lucy is having fun with our students with directed playtime, free playtime to help them discover and use the eNglish they acquire freely, she is also working animal vocabulary through sculptures..

Pictures soon to follow

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